The circular future has already begun in Cuijk
Green Energy <br>as an advantage
Green Energy <br>as an advantage
  • © 2023 BECC BV 0

Green Energy
as an advantage

Customers: the knife cuts both ways

A growing number of companies and organizations are aware of the importance of contributing to a better climate. But how? Not every production process or operational management is easy to switch to "green" work. An always feasible step is to switch to green energy. By purchasing this from our plant, you immediately have a clear story about your contribution to a better environment. As a small organization, we are able to personally discuss every industrial application and come up with a suitable solution: economically viable, socially responsible. We work together with our partner De Groene Stroomfabriek.
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Suppliers: reliable biomass purchase

Anyone who has experience with the logistics of residual flows knows that everything revolves around agreements and flexibility. The ratio of revenues and costs is at least as important as the continuity of the decrease. Thanks to our large storage capacity and flexible production option, BECC can guarantee purchase. A deal is a deal.
The environment is not bothered by national borders. That is why our German region is just as important for BECC as the Dutch region. We only use our limit for the origin of biomass: a radius of 100 kilometers around Cuijk.
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Illustration: Resources cover a maximum of 100km
Since the restart in 2015, we have had a successful partnership with the BECC entrepreneurs. Together we work on concepts to provide the entire industrial site with sustainable energy.
Peter den Biesen, CEO Huismerk Energie

Local: the first energy-neutral industrial site in the Netherlands

We are proud of our local role that is unique in the Netherlands. We source our raw materials regionally, and we deliver our energy locally. Dragging materials around the globe does not fit in with the circular thinking that was central to the start of BECC, and that remains our guideline. To reinforce our circular philosophy, we do everything we can to make our industrial site energy neutral. That requires vision and courage from the other companies. The first companies have already joined. We would like to keep you informed of the progress.

De weg naar een energie neutraal industrie terrein
Illustration: The roadmap to the first energy neutral industrial site